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Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Lactose Intolerance

Over the past few years, I've noticed a growing intolerance to dairy products - a gradual move that has culminated in my breaking out in hives after consuming some yogurt.

Yogurt and cheese were my final hold-outs, and it appears that the former has gone the way of milk, cream, and many others. Now it's down to cheese, but I doubt I'll be able to eat that for very long.

Are you lactose intolerant? It started to hit me around 19-20 years old, and at 25, it's nearly destroyed my capacity to consume dairy products. Oh well, I won't lament the loss of the ability to process lactose - I'll just accept it.

Photo: Copyright, PA from


  1. dont worry lactose products are not that good for you. with the exception of greek yogurt of course. we were just talking about this is my physiology class, its just due to a lack of enzyme that helps break down the lactose sugar.

  2. My organism tolerates lactose quite well. I eat a lot of cheese, drink at least half a gallon of milk daily, yoghurt, cream, all the other dairy shit. It's awesome and I can't imagine it taken away.

  3. Aren't there pills you can take when you want to eat dairy?

  4. Didn't you could become lactose intolerant, I thought you born that way.

  5. A friend of mine has it, I don't know in which way it affects his daily doings though..

  6. i used to drink milk erreday, but i always get stomach cramps and fart all the time. real talk

  7. i'm not... doesnt that suck? because many medecine contains lactose

  8. Glad I'm not but I do hate milk, does that count?

  9. I doubt its lactose intolerance, more like your body rejecting all the horrible things they feed those cows. Also, 1 cow produces 10gallons of milk in 1day.

  10. I'm not lactose intollerant but I definitely don't like most fancy cheeses. I'm hoping that counts for something? :P

  11. Same exact thing happened to me. It started to show up around 20 years of age. It just makes my throat itchy though. Dairy is no good anyways.

  12. If this happens to me will not be impressed. Love my milk.

  13. I think I have it, stomachache when I consume milk. I loveee dairy products though and I heard 90% of asians are lactose intolerant anyways.

  14. Wow I never knew that people could develop an intolerance to dairy products, I thought you had to be were born with it. but i guess people develop hayfever so why not.

  15. Didn't you could become lactose intolerant

  16. look the bright side, the human body never embrace very well lactose products, so it is said cheese, milk, yogurts and that is very bad to i don't know if intestines or stomach. also youll stay away from the cheese, youll stay thiner and healthy hahaha.

    bad thing: goodbye cheddar :(
